Joan M.T. Walker, Ph.D. (left) is an Associate Professor of Education at Pace University. She has conducted research on the parent involvement process, such as her work “Realizing the American Dream: A Parent Education Program Designed To Increase Latino Family Engagement in Children’s Education.” Kalina Brabeck, Ph.D. (right) provides psychological care to Spanish-speaking patients at Rhode Island Hospital, specializing in immigration-related trauma. Her research includes “Latino Immigrant Students’ School Experiences in the United States: The Importance of Family-School-Community Collaborations,” which she co-authored with Erin Sibley (not pictured), who specializes in educational psychology.
Corey Mitchell (left) is a staff writer for Education Week who focuses on ELLs and bilingual education. He authored the piece “Home-School Connections Help ELLs and Their Parents.” Kate Stoltzfus (right) is a Commentary Associate for Education Week with expertise in the teaching profession and a former reporter for The Chronicle of Higher Education. She wrote the article “Teacher-Parent Communication Needs to Improve, Studies Say.”