In Segesta we visited our first Ancient Greek temple, which was constructed with local stone in the Doric order. The distinct Doric column, whose capital consists of a circle topped by a square, shaft is plain, and possesses no base is clearly visible. Other prominent features of the Doric style on display are the empty rectangular spaces above the columns called metopes, which are separated by an alternating pattern of vertical lines known as triglyphs. Interestingly, the lack of fluting on the columns, presence of protruding stone from the crepidoma (the stepped foundation of the temple), and absence of any niches for the support beams indicate that this structure was never fully completed. Although it is difficult to say exactly why, the reason could possibly relate to Thucydides’ account of the Sicilian expedition, which we have been studying in our Latin class with Professor Boyd. Perhaps the construction of the temple was undertaken by the Segestans as a component of their elaborate ruse to trick the Athenians into thinking that they were wealthier than they actually were. This makes sense considering that in the ancient world the construction of temples was one of the primary ways for a community to display its wealth. When the Athenians envoys sent to Segesta must have seen this temple being built, they naturally assumed that Segesta possessed adequate financial strength and therefore agreed to provide aid.
From its removed, quiet hill top position overlooking the city of Palermo, Monreale is a rather unassuming location for one of the most splendid churches in the world. Built and dedicated to the Virgin Mary by the Norman king William II, the cathedral at Monreale is very similar to the Capella Palatina in that it also contains a captivating fusion of architectural styles, artistic traditions, and religious symbolism. One of the most noticeable distinguishers of this structure from its counterpart in Palermo is its grand scale. The cathedral in Monreale truly takes the magnificence of the Capella Palatina and expands it to monumental proportions. For instance, the mosaic image of Christ Pantokrater positioned inside the main apse calotte in Monreale is an enormous 120ft wide! When visiting the Cathedral at Monreale, one can’t help to be amazed by the spaciousness and grandeur of the interior.
Capella Palatina, Palermo
I found our trip to the Capella Palatina, built by the Norman king Roger II in the 12th century AD, an interesting example of the coexistence and synthesis of different cultures and religions, combining Byzantine, Islamic, and Latin architecture and decoration. The ornate predominately gold mosaics that cover the interior are in the Byzantine style, and depict prominent figures in Christianity including Christ Pantokrator as well as various scenes from the book of Genesis. The mosaics are supported by Corinthian columns, which are clearly Classical in character while the chapel itself is capped by a wooden ceiling adorned with the Muslim honeycomb stalactite design known as muqarnas. In addition, the presence of inscriptions in Latin, Greek, and Arabic are further evidence of the interweaving of these various cultures and altogether speaks to the fact that dominion over Sicily has changed many times throughout history. It was therefore eye opening to see the amalgamation of all these different cultures encapsulated in a single structure.