Day 5 meant my Italian class would finally get some Pirandello thrown into the mix. Right before my eyes and the camera lens of my iPad I discovered an original draft of one of my favorite Pirandello short-stories, ‘La Giara.’ La Giara explores class relations in Pirandello’s Sicily, all the while articulating man’s relationship with other humans and with the nature that Sicily encompasses man with. Some characters are compared to gnarly old trees and spend their days in the fields while others begin to value power and material wealth, and Pirandello sees these roles as static or staple, often pessimistic in the conclusions he reaches through the voices of his own characters. Seeing Pirandello’s “tomb” and learning about his odd death/burial story and a lack of coordination in meeting his demands was both poignant and fascinating, and, oddly, perfectly fitting to Pirandello’s legacy.