Title of Abstract: A Summer With The Nuclear Threat Initiative
Name of Mentor: Sarah Chingos
Mentor’s Organization or Department: McKeen Center, Bowdoin College
Research Abstract: This summer I worked with the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), an organization dedicated to the prevention of attacks using weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). I had the pleasure of working most closely with the International Fuel Cycle Strategies team, a subsection of NTI focused on the intersection of peaceful uses of nuclear energy, preventing nuclear proliferation, and strategies for the disposal of spent nuclear fuel. Throughout the summer, I conducted research on key figures in North Korea’s nuclear program, compiled information about advanced nuclear reactors and nuclear energy programs around the world, learned about nuclear safeguards, and investigated the state of nuclear fuel disposal in Russia. NTI also provided me with career development opportunities like funding my attendance at this year’s Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (INMM) and allowing me to participate in a Nuclear Nonproliferation, Safeguards, and Security course at Brookhaven National Laboratory.