
A continuation of principles encountered in Visual Arts 1401, with an added emphasis on the expressive potential of color. Cameras of various formats, from the 35mm to the 4×5, are used to complete assignments. Approaches to color film exposure and digital capture, manipulation, and printing are practiced and the affect of color is examined. Through reading assignments, slide presentations, and discussions, students explore historical and cultural implications of color photography. Weekly assignments and group critiques structure class discussion.

Professor Erin Johnson
[email protected]
Edwards Center for Art & Dance – 232

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BT 1: color as subject I (due 26 Jan)
• post 10 images depicting complementary (5) and adjacent (5) colors you encounter as you move
through your daily routine.
• Read: https://www.canopycanopycanopy.com/contents/color-goes-electric/#title-page

BT 2: color as subject II (due 31 Jan)
• post 10 images that frame encounters with monochromatic color (5) and a mixture of 2-3 color
casts caused by different light sources existing in the same scene (5), all achieved or inspired by
looking around during your daily routine.
• Read Copy, Archive, Signature:

BT 3: too true (due 14 Feb)
• post 10 images made by 10 other photographers that test plausibility, inviting you to believe them to be true, while causing you to suspect a stretching or playing with the truth. Include with each image the photographer’s name, date taken, and a short explanation of why you suspect it to be an “untruth.”
• Read: http://aperture.org/blog/vision-justice-around-kitchen-table/
• Read: http://shifter-magazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Sontag-Against-Interpretation.pdf

BT 4: about time (due 23 Feb)
• post 10 exceptional images made by 10 other photographers that take as their primary subject the perception of time’s passage. Include with each image the photographer’s name, date taken, and a short explanation of why it stood out for you.
• Read: http://www.imageandnarrative.be/inarchive/Images_de_l_invisible/Wittmann.htm

BT 5: Spring Break Daily (28 Mar)
• photographs taken every day over break – post total of 16 and title by date.
• READ: http://bombmagazine.org/article/4974113/anthony-hernandez

BT 6: image collage (due 11 Apr)
• create at least six images, each of which is a composite of at least six other images.
• READ: http://bombmagazine.org/article/7323329/portfolio

BT 7: anything but photo (due 20 Apr)
• post and describe at least 8 tangible references to non-photographic influences that possibly inform or inspire your Self-Designed proposal.
• READ: http://bombmagazine.org/article/28421214/roe-ethridge

BT 8: SD inspiration (due 25 Apr)
• post 5 images of photographic sources influencing your approach to SD and 5 images of your own comprising progress to date on SD project


Download RAW images from your SD card to your computer, or upload them to icebox.bowdoin.edu

Resize images for web 600 pixels tall at 72dpi

Rename the images something “logical”  (i.e. “adjacent-color-wheel.jpg, not IMG_23233.JPG

In WordPress:
New —> Post
Fill in “Title”
Check the “Category” box on the right side for the current assignment.
“Add Media” and upload your photos
If you want a “gallery” you should select that in the top lefthand side of the screen
Choose how many columns, and how large you want the thumbnails to be on the page
“Gallery Settings” (top right) choose “Media File”
Select “Create New Gallery” (blue button lower right)
“Preview” the page, and hit “Publish” when you are ready to go