One of the color plates for Barbara’s print, recently inked
Blue and black ink
Peter and Caitlin gave a printing demonstration for the students at the studio. Anyone who is interested in printmaking is welcome to join as well. It’s great to watch Peter and Caitlin, who have been printing for so long, work. Their movements are efficient and graceful.
All of the printmaking classes went to the Bowdoin College Museum of Art today to look at Marvin Bileck and Emily Nelligan’s prints as well as Peter’s portfolio.
Looking at Ambreen Butt’s prints
Peter and Caitlin unpack a portfolio
Walton Ford prints
Barbara’s class with the Walton Ford prints
Barbara applies stop out to a plate
Barbara and Caitlin
Students add notes to their sketchbooks
Simon looking at silver ink etching
Mark Wethli joins students at the museum
Students look at the Walton Ford prints in Peter’s portfolio
Morgan Browning and other students view Emily Nelligan and Marvin Bileck’s work