On the Bowdoin campus

A monument, artifact, inscription, or written work of commemoration on the Bowdoin campus. Special Collections in the Bowdoin Library has materials that will help learn about the context for this monument/artifact (who designed it, or the identity of the person commemorated, or controversies surrounding its history, etc.); Marieke van der Steenhoven will be happy to help you with this process (e.g., helping you find materials in Special Collections that provide history or additional sources for your choice).

You will present your idea through both words and images. Each project will have:

  • at least three images (one of each of your different points of contact)
  • at least four sections of writing, one to accompany each point of contact, and one to provide an overview of the aspect of commemoration you are exploring on your page.

Flagpole spark page that Marieke created: https://spark.adobe.com/page/UhthyoOrFhPF7/
