All You Project

Project Description:

Brief Overview discussing our various interests and ideas, and progress leading up to our All You project, we decided to collaborate to create a short film. Interested in the multi-faceted nature of our lives, and how we are required to portray ourselves in different ways based on the settings we find ourselves in, our short film focuses on the life of our subject, Angel Ramirez. The following proposal integrates the various components of our initial proposals to create a dynamic, All-You project.

Initial Proposals:

The highlighted portions of each person’s original proposals are elements that we aim to incorporate into our collective project, and are outlined in our updated All You proposal that we have included below. Angel’s proposal elements focus on the structured and formal aspects of one’s multifaceted persona; Joshua’s proposal elements focus on the more natural and informal occurrences that im

pact people’s daily lives that are not typically the focus of attention. Richard’s proposal elements work to integrate both Joshua’s and Angel’s ideas to highlight the simultaneous navigation of our multifaceted identities with the organization and chaos that occurs in our lives.

*Use the highlighted text below as a reference point for where we draw inspiration from our individual proposals to form our collective project*

Angel Ramirez

All [of] You

On Bowdoin’s campus, we are surrounded with individuals who have their own business, musical endeavors, and who do an array of things that are often overlooked/not visible to the public eye– or who downplay their greatness.  This particular project will be comprised of a series of short, 5 minute documentaries, where I highlight a special, hidden  identity of a series of people on Bowdoin’s campus. My short documentaries will be comprised of a series of conventional documentary style shots, where we follow the ‘artistry’ of an individual person. While the main video will be focused on unraveling the hidden identity— the audio will be that of an interview/narration by the person who I am filming.  There’s a certain intimacy that is created when the narration comes from that of the person who is being filmed— which is a key element in creating this short documentary. The video will be shot detailing the experiences of the person going about their ‘seemingly’ normal lives. I draw inspiration from a national geographic short documentary style video that you can find on youtube


Currently, I plan on filming three different short documentaries: one of myself, one of friend who owns and operates his own programming company, and another who is an upcoming rapper.

Joshua Brooks

Tentative Title: Life in The Key of You/The Visual Playlist

Music serves many purposes. People listen to it while they work, drive, workout, relax, and as background for many other activities. For those who are a part of the creation process, music is a way of sharing their feelings, emotions, and thoughts with the larger world. For those who listen, it is something that they can connect to, and in many situations, relate to the occurrences in their lives. I, as well as many others, have different songs, albums, and playlists that I listen to when I am in a particular mood, want to cultivate a particular mood, or when I am experiencing certain trials and tribulations in life. Over the course of the semester I have been very much intrigued by the power that music has to shape the mood and feel of a video. Though the shots of a video may clearly express what is going on to a viewer, the sound has the power to manipulate how the viewer interprets it.

For my All You project I want to combine mood and music to create a series of short videos that tell different stories about what is going on in the life of the subject. The videos will cover two themes that I have tentatively titled “SADBOIS” and “It’s Lit”. “SADBOIS” will aim to cover the emotional struggles of dealing with relationships. The video will take place in a dorm room. I look to use dim and warm lighting while capturing a text conversation between a man and his significant other. The viewer will be able to see the the text conversations but will only be able to see the reactions of the man in the video. “It’s Lit!” will aim to capture the preparation that goes into a night of partying. Most of these shots will take place in a dorm room, but with different lighting than the “SADBOIS” scene. The goal is to capture the excitement and readiness of people prior to having a good time. Another goal of this project is to understand how music and lighting can also change the ways that the viewer understands the setting of a scene, as I aim to shoot both of these scenes in a dorm setting.

My first step will be to write a script that will outline what I would like the actors in each scene to do. Next, I will work with different lighting configurations to figure out which is best for the “SADBOIS” scene. After collecting the footage for this scene, I will move on to collecting footage for “It’s Lit!”. At the moment I plan on using After Effects to create the text messaging visuals in “SADBOIS” thus I will spend some time figuring out the best way to portray this on screen. Much of the editing for “It’s Lit” will use Final Cut Pro. At the moment I am debating doing a third scene, or figuring out if there is a possibility to connect the two scenes somehow, but I think that they can stand alone.

Richard Araujo

The videos I will put together will be about people’s social media profiles on Instagram and how they make their lives seem happier or better than what it is. Because people are able to control what others see on Instagram, whether that be via the pictures they post (after taking hundreds), the filters they slap on their posts, people’s p

rofiles are an indication of what they want the world to think of them. The video will be shot in NYC (New York University) and here at Bowdoin. Both environments are great because they are filled with students who are likely of having Instagram profiles. I will most likely try and create videos with each focusing on one person’s profile.

Collective Proposal:

As mentioned in Angel’s original proposal, Angel aims to highlight the individuality and multifacetedness of a person through a short, cinematic, film. Angel will be the subject of the short film. As a native born Angeleno, Angel found himself living in a diverse community and eventually moving to Maine to attend College. While at Bowdoin, Angel found himself being involved in an array of activities and leadership that occupy 90% of his social, academic, and political life. The first section of the video will highlight the curated, positive lime light of Angel’s life as he navigates various identities. The short documentary style of shooting of Angels original proposal will set the stage for understanding the duplicity of peoples image as the film progresses into the elements of Joshua’s original proposal.

Joshua originally wanted to use short scenes to highlight the role that music plays in defining the mood and feel of a video, through the scenes “SADBOIS” and “It’s Lit”. By making Angel the subject of these scenes, it allows for a departure from the chaotic and structured nature of his life portrayed in the scenes prior. He is shown in a more relatable light, while still relating to this general theme of different personalities.

Richard originally wanted to focus on multiple student’s instagram profiles and how their posts/ profiles portray an inauthentic reality of themselves because they can choose what the outside world can see. However, now we will be focusing on Angel as the sole subject of the film and

how what he goes through on a daily basis is not the picture perfect angel we see in class, around campus, or even on social media.fg