This website explore the organizations and research on and for youth sports education in urban settings, with a special focus on grassroots organization.
“Sports are such a great teacher. I think of everything they’ve taught me: camaraderie, humility, how to solve differences.” -Kobe Bryant (1)
Sadly, youth sports participation rates have been slowly declining across American over the past decade. Due to budget cuts, athletic departments and physical education programs are usually the programs that are disbanded first. Because of this, more and more kids are forced to sit on the side and the benefits that youth sports can provide to them are often unrecognized.
According to Shape America:
- Only six states require physical education in every grade
- Only ten states designate specific funding for professional development in physical education
- 32 percent of children and adolescents (ages 2-19) are overweight or obese
- Only 13 states prohibit using physical activity as a form of punishment
- Only Oregon and the District of Columbia meet the national recommendations for weekly time in physical education at both elementary and middle school levels
This website focuses on the organizations and research that wants to combat and change the facts above.