
Print Sources

Evans, A., PhD., Ranjit, N., PhD., Fair, C. N., M.P.H., Jennings, Rose,Dr P.H.(c), M.Phil, & Warren, J. L., PhD. (2016). Previous gardening experience and gardening enjoyment is related to vegetable preferences and consumption among low-income elementary school children. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 48 (9), 618. Retrieved from

Payne, C. (1989). Ella Baker and Models of Social Change, Common Grounds and Crossroads: Race, Ethnicity, and Class. The University of Chicago Press.

Stayer, K. (2014, December 24). Using Gardens as Classrooms. Education Week. Retrieved from

Stoltzfus, K. (2017, July 19). Meet a Teacher Who Is Using Plants to Change Students’ Lives. Education Week. Retrieved from

Triador, L., M.Sc, Farmer, Anna,PhD., R.D., Maximova, K., PhD., Willows, N., PhD., & Kootenay, Jody,M.Ed, B.A. (2015). A school gardening and healthy snack program increased aboriginal first nations children’s preferences toward vegetables and fruit. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 47 (2), 176. Retrieved from


Obama, B. (2012). Why Organize? Community Organizing and Community Building for Health and Welfare (pp. 27-36). ProQuest Ebooks.


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