Arctic Issues

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Coastal Erosion in Alaska

Coastal Erosion in Alaska
What is coastal erosion? Coastal erosion is the process where local sea level rise, strong waves, and coastal flooding wear down or carry away rocks, soils, and sands along a coast. It is a naturally occurring process that takes place wherever land and water interact. Overtime this process will change how the coastline looks. How...

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Icelandic Glaciers and Hydroelectric Power

Icelandic Glaciers and Hydroelectric Power
What Is a Glacier? A glacier is a dense, frozen mass made of compressed snow that has the ability to flow like a very slow river. It is part of the cryosphere which includes all the frozen elements of the hydrological (water) cycle. Glaciers cover 10% of the earth's land surface area and hold roughly...

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Ocean Acidification in the Arctic

Ocean Acidification in the Arctic
Hi, everyone! This page is dedicated to the issue of ocean acidification. What exactly it is, how it affects various systems in the Arctic region, and what people are doing about it. Hopefully you can gain some insight on this pressing matter while staying optimistic about sustainable paths forward! Maybe it'll even inspire future careers...

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Arctic Foxes in a Changing Environment

Arctic Foxes in a Changing Environment
We can already see the effects of climate change altering the everyday lives of people across the globe. These large environmental changes, however, also effect the survival prospects of many different species and endanger the stability of ecosystems. One animal in particular that is impacted by climate change is the arctic fox. History of the...

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