This website is a product of a team effort among classmates in Bowdoin College’s GOV 2577/ENVS 2377 “Arctic Politics” course, a group that includes…
Alex Gates, who presented on the issues associated with cruise ship traffic in the Northwest Passage. He also worked on the “How to Get Involved in Arctic Policy” section and did some finishing touches on the overall website. Resources and academic articles he references are listed below.
Websites and Images:
Academic Sources:
- Giovany Cajaiba-Santana, Olivier Faury, Maarouf Ramadan. (2020) “The emerging cruise shipping industry in the arctic: Institutional pressures and institutional voids”. Annals of Tourism Research, Volume 80.
- E.J. Stewart, S.E.L. Howell, D. Draper, J. Yackel and A. Tivy. (2007) “Sea ice in Canada’s Arctic: implications for cruise tourism”. Arctic, Volume 60 Issue 4.
- “Trends in shipping in the Northwest Passage and the Beaufort Sea”. May 29, 2015.
- Varnajot, Alix & Palma, David & Dalen, Kari & Basaran, Ilker & Brunette, Charles & Bystrowska, Marta & Korablina, Anastasia & Nowicki, Robynne & Ronge, Thomas. (2019). “Cruising the marginal ice zone: climate change and Arctic tourism”, Polar Geography.
- Willy Østreng, Karl Magnus Eger, Brit Fløistad, Arnfinn Jørgensen-Dahl, Lars Lothe, Morten Mejlaender-Larsen, Tor Wergeland. (2013). “Shipping in Arctic Waters, A comparison of the Northeast, Northwest and Trans Polar Passages”.
Ignacio Perez Perez-Hervada
(insert sources here)
Juntao Lu
Websites and Images
Academic Sources:
- Downing, John. 2019. “An evaluation of the impact of shipping on Arctic Indigenous Peoples.”
- Gross, Michael. 2018. “Arctic shipping threatens wildlife.” Current Biology 28, no. 15 (Aug): 803-805.
- Hauser, Donna. 2018. “Vulnerability of Arctic marine mammals to vessel traffic in the increasingly ice-free Northwest Passage and Northern Sea Route.” PNAS, (Jul), 7617-7622.
- Quinn, P. K. 2011. “The Impact of Black Carbon on Arctic Climate.” Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program Report, 19.
We would also like to thank Professor Laura Henry from the Government department at Bowdoin College for her guidance throughout this research.