Marine traffic in the Arctic is becoming more and more common, with sea ice continuing to melt and more issues arising every year. The following pages detail some specific points of contention in the Arctic cruising and shipping industries, including possible solutions to the issues mentioned earlier. Read on to discover more about the Northwest Passage, indigenous people in Nunavut, and the problems with black carbon emissions!
Impact of Touristic Cruises in Nunavut
The Arctic is a very unique region, it linked the americas and Europe since Pre-columbian times, and the Bering land bridge that allowed humans to cross into the americas was also caused by the arctic. Bering Land Bridge Viking Settlements in North America This region maintains its uniqueness today and on...
Cruise Tourism in the Northwest Passage
The presence of cruise ships in Arctic waters is a relatively recent development. Climate change and the melting of Arctic sea ice has opened up marine routes traditionally inaccessible to vessels without icebreaking capabilities, a boon to the cruising industry. Nowhere is this more significant than the Northwest Passage, a travel lane north of Canada...
Emissions from Shipping in the Arctic – Juntao Lu
My policy research is emphasized on the heavy fuel oil ban. The biggest problem with this ban is the existence of widely applicable exemptions to continue using heavy fuel oil. ICCT’s research shows that the proposed ban would have eliminated only 30% of HFO carriage and 16% of HFO use in 2019, and this would have...