- The Arctic is a very unique region, it linked the americas and Europe since Pre-columbian times, and the Bering land bridge that allowed humans to cross into the americas was also caused by the arctic.
- This region maintains its uniqueness today and on top of this historical importance, it is becoming a hot topic once again. This uniqueness is now also temporary, as we know the Arctic is melting at an alarming pace. This thaw is having disproportionate effects on the Inuit of the arctic, and the deciduous nature of the Arctic is only making this worse, as tourists rush to the arctic in cruise ships, heavy environmental pollutants for such a fragile environment.
- These cruise ships have undue effects on Indigenous people’s way of life, and the climate change cruises symbolise does too. This presents a big problem for these communities, in this video, the impact of climate change and tourism on these Inuit communities is analysed, and a few policy directions are suggested, in order to foster effective development in this regard, as Canada has the resources to better support its arctic regions.
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