Tag Archives: definition

Why Science Fiction?

Interestingly, the distinction between science fiction and fantasy draws a line between the possible and the impossible, advanced technology and magic.  However, Arthur C. Clarke claimed that “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” How can we truly distinguish between these genres?  Is there a line that can be drawn or is where one genre ends and the other begins a gray area?

Examining the role that science fiction may play in today’s society, there are mixed opinions on the importance in providing a space for the imagination to take hold.  Some argue that the continual advancement of technology in today’s society depicts science fiction unfolding before our eyes.  We are grappling with the social and ethical issues of advanced tech on an everyday basis, so there is no room in the public discourse for the extrapolation used by science fiction.  Even with advancing technology dominating the public discourse, I feel that there is still a place for science fiction to serve as an outlet.  More effort needs to be placed on science fiction that explores humans at the center of the story, without just focusing on specific characters and action to draw in audiences.
