Non abbiamo armi – Ermal Meta (Non abbiamo armi, 2018)
19 Marzo 2018 (Self reflective post and thank you letter)
“Non abbiamo armi contro il cambiamento, ma adesso tu mi puoi proteggere dentro ad un abbraccio”

Today was a very odd day, despite having to travel for almost an entire day, I was able to reflect a lot on the short bus ride from our hotel in Catania to the Catania airport. The ride itself was silent, as everyone was tired from the early wake-up, so it gave me time to clear my head space and come to terms with the week just spent in Italy with a group of people that, prior to this trip, I had only seen in class or greeted while crossing campus. This trip was not only very helpful in helping me develop a better historical and educational understanding of the island of Sicily and its geographical importance in the Mediterranean, but also a trip that helped me develop very strong friendships I never thought I would develop.
While waiting to board the plane, and throughout the trip back to the states, I spent some time looking at each of my classmates and thinking to myself how grateful I was to have been able to share such unforgettable memories and moments with them, as well as have the honor to get to know them a whole lot better in such a short amount of time. When we arrived to Boston and (most of us) parted ways, I was saddened by how we would be doing something similar in a short amount of weeks but that time we wouldn’t see each other after a week.
Being a senior is a blessing and a curse, because whether you like it or not nostalgia will hit you least expect and over small things you’ve gotten used to throughout the years. You can be reading a book for class and you’ll be like, “wow, who’s going to say silly jokes to Prof.ssa Gavioli and annoy her during office hours” or you’ll be enjoying a nice cone of lemon and strawberry gelato and the thought of “who’s gonna sing Diiiiiiiiinooooooo” every time they see Dino on and off campus creeps up on you. I try not to get sad, so I think about how great it was to even have these small privileges every day and to try and enjoy them with the time I have left at Bowdoin.
I chose this song for the last day of the trip, because it really sums up the way that I felt and feel about this trip and my time at Bowdoin, it also helps me stay positive about the future. With this I would like to wholeheartedly like to thank my classmates, both in the Italian class as well as the Classics class, and the professors for making this trip possible and allowing us to make such unforgettable memories in a beautiful and unforgettable place.

“E se anche questa vita può finire
Tutto può succedere
Oppure a volte niente
E se da adesso in poi non ci vediamo più
Tu abbracciami senza fine”