Today, was another well packed day. Our group headed to the Capella Palatina and the Palazzo dei Normani (royal apartments) first, in which we found very detailed and beautiful mosaics made hundreds of years ago under the reign of William I–apparently it took approximately 15 years to produce! I enjoyed the intricate biblical depictions of the mosaics, as well as the unique shapes and colors of the marble floor in the Capella. After quickly browsing through the Royal Apartments, we made our way to the Palazzo di Lampedusa, a royal palace, in which one of the authors, Lampedusa who wrote the Gattopardo, lived with his family. One of my favorite parts of the tour was a visit to the Dutchess’s kitchen, pictured in this post, where the Dutchess hosts cooking classes for about 4 hours for 150 euros… When we left the palace, we unfortunately got caught in a torrential rain storm — thankfully, I brought my umbrella. When it finally passed, we finished off the day to a brief trip the the Zisa, a series of gardens and a building with Arabic-style architecture, and briefly stepped inside the central Cathedral before returning home to rest.