Abstract (Statement of Topic)

We have seen time and time again the issues which manifest themselves through a neoliberalist approach in many different sectors of society. Healthcare is certainly one of those major sectors which is facing the detrimental effects of such views everywhere. This paper will expose some of the major set-backs which neoliberalism has created, and provide evidence as to how a holistic approach and integrating alternative medicine into healthcare could create a healthier country and planet. With an approach which seeks to heal from within, and unlock the natural healing capacities of the human body, the experiences which people have and knowledge of healing could become general knowledge to the public, which, by the “trickle down effect” that neoliberalism abides by, could create healthier societies everywhere.


Thanks for your abstract, Brandon. This is an interesting project but it is still not clear to me how you will connect neoliberalism to healthcare. I though you were planning to do this by centering your paper around the notion of the body. Have you changed your mind about it?


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