The data I have collected so far has mostly consisted of preliminary exploratory research into the broad shift in marketing strategies over the past few decades. I’ve found a variety of journal articles, books, and even text books on the transition to digital marketing. With the invention of the internet, the success of interruptive television and print advertisements has significantly decreased. Everything has shifted online, and advertisers no longer have a captive audience. People have transitioned to watching television on streaming platforms without commercials or recording shows to merely skip through the advertisements. In the modern day, a vast amount of information is now readily available to the pubic. Even though people may feel that this allows them to make very informed decisions as rational actors, it is a facade, as companies are now able to track consumer behavior like never before with increased surveillance methods. This information has led to even more crafty marketing techniques, such as targeted advertisements and search engine optimization.
My plan moving forward is to spend half of the time more thoroughly researching the role of neoliberalism in the shift in marketing strategies within the past few decades. Once I reach the half way point, I will then transition into my case study analyses of marketing software companies by evaluating their product through their website.
This looks good. Since you and I talked about our project in person, I do not have anything else to add to what I said in out meeting at this moment. One quick note though: when you do your library research, do not limit your search to “neoliberalism” as a keyword. Try to break down “neoliberalism” into different components and cast your net wide.