Week 3, Friday- Ginny

Today is the opening of This Is a Portrait! Its so exciting to see everything in the museum come together for this show. Yesterday I was lucky enough to follow along on a tour given by the three curators of this show, Anne Goodyear, Kathleen Merrill Campagnolo, and Johnathan Frederick Walz, and it was so cool to get the inside scoop on how this show has come together and what it means to the people who made it happen. Walking through the gallery and getting to see what its like to have all that work come together for everyone at the museum was incredibly inspiring, and made me so excited for the exhibit of these children’s drawings next spring.

Aside from doing everything the museum will let me to help out with the opening, I’ve been working on creating the necessary paperwork Michael and I will need for interviewing later this summer. I hadn’t realized, but we need to make our own consent forms in both Japanese and English, which is an interesting challenge! I hope I’m able to make something that’s clear and informational for anyone who reads it.