Welcome to our second theme, Idealized vs. Realistic representations of pregnant woman. Watch the video and scroll down to download a coloring page of a pregnant woman— you get to decide what she wears, if anything. You can draw stretch marks or choose to represent her in anyway you want!

[ensemblevideo contentid=8J7Wod2wYkSZspiFS5GXJw]

Works in this video (click to read more):

Portrait of a Woman in Red
Beyoncé and Twins, Awol Erizku
Second Portrait with Max
Cindy Sherman. portrait of blahCindy Sherman. portrait of blahCindy Sherman. portrait of blah
Untitled, Cindy Sherman
Janet (pregnant nude), Louis Stettner
Untitled (pregnant woman shooting up), Larry Clark




Reflection: Coloring Activity

Coloring page (click to download)











Reflection Questions:

  1. What color did you draw her skin?

  2. Did you draw her skin smooth? Stretched? Blotchy?

  3.  What did you dress her in, if anything?

  4. Did you focus more on her body or the background?