December Lunch and Learn Series for Fac/Staff

BCLT Lunch and Learn Series 

December 11-15, 2023 

Monday, December 11, 11:45-1, Daggett-Thorne 

Quantitative Reasoning (QR) at Bowdoin: Capacity and Needs Assessment 

Facilitated by: Eric Gaze (BCLT) 

This presentation will describe the QR Program at Bowdoin, from the Q-skills assessment of all incoming first-years to a survey of the entire curriculum for QR opportunities.  Why is the score on a 30-question multiple choice QR exam the single best predictor of four-year cumulative GPA?  How does QR differ from traditional mathematics?  Where can students develop critical data analytics skills?  Are students’ Q-skills improving over their four years?  These questions and more will be explored! Register Here 

Tuesday, December 12, 11:45-1, Daggett-Thorne 

The Impact of Technology and DExC on Bowdoin Student Attention and Learning 

Facilitated by: Jane Shanahan (Bowdoin senior) and Katie Byrnes (BCLT) 

With the introduction of technology in higher education and the Digital Excellence Commitment at Bowdoin, how can we harness these new tools to help, not hinder, students’ cognitive abilities? The presentation will include results from a student survey (500+ responses) assessing technology usage at Bowdoin, ideas for classroom policies on technology, assessment methods, and approaches to navigate attention, distraction and learning for Bowdoin students.  Register Here 

Wednesday, December 13, 11:45-1, Hutchinson-Thorne 

Faculty Workload Equity – How might we begin? 

Facilitated by: Dharni Vasudevan (Academic Affairs) 

How do we move towards Faculty Workload Transparency? A pilot Bowdoin Departmental/Program Faculty Workload Equity Project has been developed based on FOC_IF Working Group report and Equity-Minded Faculty Workloads: What We Can and Should Do Now, authored by Kerryann O’Meara, Dawn Culpepper, Joy Misra and Audrey Jaeger (published by the American Council on Education). This workshop will share principles grounding the project, an easy-to-use dashboard that can be adapted, and accompanying documents. After this workshop, you will have the tools to lay the groundwork for making faculty labor more transparent, thereby facilitating equitable redistribution within departments and programs. Register Here 

Thursday, December 14, 11:45-1, Daggett-Thorne 

Planning for a Break 

Facilitated by: Tina Chong (BCLT) 

Looking for an opportunity to reflect (What would you like to change in your life? What is currently missing? What is holding you back?) and set intentions for winter break (What are your academic and non-academic priorities for the next few weeks?). Walk away with a few ideas on how to get closer to achieving your goals and to increasing your well-being. Register Here 

Friday, December 15, 11:45-1, Hutchinson-Thorne 

Promoting and Protecting your Intellectual Property 

Facilitated by: Sue O’Dell and Erin Valentino (Library) 

This presentation will share resources and strategies to maintain your scholarly identity, protect your intellectual property rights, and ensure that your work reaches the broadest possible audience. After this session, you will know how to get the most benefit of an ORCID, claim your Google Scholar profile page, and make informed choices about author’s rights and open access publishing models. Register Here 

