Town Hall Meetings This Week to Consider Fish Passage

Next week, on Monday February 3rd at 6:30PM, the Brunswick Town Council will consider a resolution to support improved fish passage at the dam.  Then on Thursday, February 6th at 6:30 PM, the Topsham Select Board will consider a similar resolution.
If approved, these resolutions will send a strong show of public support to FERC that the Androscoggin River communities at head-of-tide, want to see changes made to help restore important historic fish runs for species including Aleweives, Blueback Herring, Atlantic Salmon, Striped Bass, American Eels, Sea Lampreys and American Shad.  All are important to the health of the river ecosystem.  The Atlantic Salmon is endangered, and species like alewives, shad, and blueback herring are critically important to our citizens that rely on our coastal fisheries to make a living.  All of these species are now found in our river at populations of less than five percent of their historic presence.  The cause of their declines over the last 200 years are directly linked to obstructions caused by dams.
If you can take the time to attend one or both of these meetings, it will be much appreciated and a further show of support to our local leaders.  They want to do the right thing for our citizens and your presence will give them a strong signal as well.
If you know others who are interested in assuring that the fishways are improved and understand that this FERC process is literally a once in a lifetime chance because a new operating license will run for another 30-50 years, please pass this email along.  Also feel free to get  back to me with any questions.

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