About Newark

Quick Facts:

  • Newark Population (2013 Estimate): 278,427
  • Black or African American alone, percent, (Newark 2010): 52.4%
  • White alone, not Hispanic or Latino, percent, (Newark 2010): 11.6%
  • High school graduate or higher, percent of persons age 25+, (Newark 2008-2012): 70.1%
  • High school graduate or higher, percent of persons age 25+, (New Jersey 2008-2012): 87.9%
  • Per capita money income in past 12 months (2012 dollars), (Newark 2008-2012): $17,161
  • Per capita money income in past 12 months (2012 dollars), (New Jersey 2008-2012): $35,928
  • Median household income, (Newark 2008-2012): $34,387
  • Median household income, (New Jersey 2008-2012): $71,637
  • Persons below poverty level, percent, (Newark 2008-2012): 28.0%
  • Persons below poverty level, percent, (New Jersey 2008-2012): 9.9%

Info from the United States Census Bureau

One Newark:

  • Newark Public Schools reorganization plan created by superintendent Cami Anderson, whom was appointed Governor Chris Christie with the support of then Mayor of Newark, Cory Booker.
  • Vision: “One Newark is a community-wide agenda to ensure all students are in excellent schools and thriving communities and are on the path to excel in college and 21st century careers. Out of 100 schools in Newark, only about 20 are good. One Newark’s commitment is to ensure our children have 100 excellent schools. We will accomplish this through strategies around Excellence, Equity, and Efficiency.”  http://onewark.org/
  • Addresses the declining enrollment in district schools and the increasing demand for charter schools. Under the plan, three K-8 district schools will now be run by three charter school organizations.
  • The plan’s universal enrollment system gave parents the ability to choose charter and district schools outside their local neighborhoods, which has been allowed for all ninth graders since 2012.   (http://www.nj.com/education/2014/08/despite_opposition_newarks_school_reorganization_becomes_reality.html)
  • One Newark began in time for the 2014 academic year

Problems with One Newark:

  • students not yet assigned to schools
  • young children sent to schools on the other side of the city with unsafe transportation options
  • older students forced to cross gang lines to get to class
  • families with multiple children all attending different schools in different neighborhoods
  • more than 250 students unhappy with the school the district matched them with are asking officials for a change
  • larger charter school presence

The backlash to One Newark centers around one demand: local control of the schools.

Newark residents have no voice in their schools and no one from their community making the crucial decisions. Recognizing this problem, students and parents have organized protests, rallies, and walkouts, in addition to consistently speaking at NPS Advisory Board meetings. – Salon