What the Students at Parkland Organized

After a devastating event where student survivors lost their friends, classmates, and teachers, they came together determined to make a change with the gun epidemic in America. They used their voices to demand more excellent safety in schools. Emma Gonzales gave an impassioned speech at a rally following the shooting, where she said, “This is the way I have to grieve…I have to make sure that everybody knows that this isn’t something that is allowed to happen.” Events like these need more than weeping. They need action, which is just what Parkland students did! Students immediately began tweeting, writing op-eds, planning walk-outs, and organizing demonstrations for American gun laws changes. Media was a huge platform that the students used and one student, Fernandez, lead the #NeverAgain charge over social media. Awareness spread fast, and #NeverAgain resonated with many students across the country, so the movement gained attraction. Thanks to social media, they were able to organize protests and marches. The national school walk-out was a powerful way students showed their support to Stoneman Douglas High School and its students’ activism. Students chanted and held signs at some schools, and in other schools, students stood in silence for 17 minutes to honor the lives of those who died. All were ways for students to communicate with community members, teachers, and administrators how they want to feel safe at school and change needs to come! Survivors were able to capture the public’s attention and travel to Tallahassee, Florida, and Washington D.C. to make their case for stricter gun laws. A year after the shooting, “legislators on both sides of the aisle in 26 states and Washington, DC, enacted 67 new gun safety laws.” This was done by much effort from the student activists, and they continue to push for more change. One of the most influential pieces of this movement was the beginning of a grassroots organization, “March for our Lives.” This turned out to be one of the most significant youth-led protests in decades, with hundreds of thousands of people showing their support! The students at Stoneman Douglas High School prove just how vital student activism is to create a better future for this country and the education system.