Social Media

Social media constitutes a large part of many of children and young adults of the millennial generation. Due to the rapid technological developments, there are various ways in which people can access information and learn about things in a very short period of time. Everyone now becomes his or her own teacher about anything they want. The use of this powerful tool is evident in the fight against bullying and the awareness that is being created in order to combat these issues. Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr are three of the most used and effective platforms to broadcast any message or mission statement. Below is a list of a few examples.


 SPN Anti-Bullying is a Tumblr page that tries to create awareness and help people that are involved in being bullied for their fandom and “shipping.” Fandom and “shipping” are terms that are used in online communities to mean people that are very invested in a TV show or in people like actresses, celebrities, athletes, etc. Shipping relates to the fictional creation of a relationship between two or more characters or people, often times romantic.

Stop-Bullying is a Tumblr page that uses images to help encourage and send positive feelings to anyone that might be affected by bullying. Some cool things about this page is that it gives you a page where you can write a mock letter to your bully and to address him in however way you want.

Instagram Handles/Viral Hashtags

@StopBullyingGov, #IAmMore (Started by Kylie Jenner), @LittleLizzieV, Initiative started by Tarte Cosmetics and @ByStanderRevolution to have people post a selfie of a kissed hand over the mouth #KissandMakeup

Twitter Handles


@AntiBullyingPro, @StopBullyingGov, @MicheleBorba, @StompOutBullyng