New York City

New Settlement Parent Action Committee

This organization is a group of parents focused on offering better schools for their children, and they work mostly in the Bronx. They have a School Safety Campaign which fights against suspensions and arrests by officers in schools. They offer training to school officers to teach them the harmful effects of arrests and encourage restorative discipline to create a more positive environment.

Urban Youth Collaborative

This is a student-led organization that fights against the school-to-prison pipeline. They specifically want to reduce the amount of power school officers have and give that power back to school principals, reduce the number of suspensions for minor offenses, and push for restorative justice methods. They have raised money for the restorative justice approach, as well as helped pass legislation to make school arrest and suspension numbers public.

Erie County Restorative Justice Coalition

Members of this organization come from anywhere in the county to focus on building a strong community that supports restorative justice in schools, courts, and other institutions. They advocate for offenders and victims and push for collaboration, communication, and productive solutions.

Suspension Representation Project

This NYU School of Law-based group is focused on reducing the negative affects that come from school suspensions. They train law students around NYC as free representatives for public school students at suspension hearings, and often get the charges reduced or thrown out altogether.