Grassroots Nationwide

*Click on any grassroots organization name to travel to their site!

AQE: Alliance for Quality Education

AQE is a grassroots organization based out of New York City who advocates for high quality education for students. They support children’s rights to a quality education and opportunities that include social and emotional supports, full access to arts, music, physical education, and after-school enrichment programs like sports and other extracurricular activities.

All Our Children

All Our Children is a grassroots organization dedicated to providing students with quality public education and education justice. They partner with schools and congregations in order to address racism, economic inequity, and the opportunity gap that children living in poverty have to face.

Change the Stakes

Changing the Stakes is a grassroots organization made up of parents in educators from New York who believe that all children should have access to quality public education. The oppose the over-emphasis on standardized tests and are concerned about the harm it has on children and schools. They do not believe that good education can be measured by a test score.

NYS Allies For Public Education 

NYS Allies For Public Education is a grassroots organization from New York who advocate for quality public school education. They believe excessive testing and inappropriate sharing of private student data without parent consent threatens the future of New York students, schools.

Michigan Parents for Schools

Michigan Parents for Schools is a grassroots organization made up of Michigan public school parents who address issues regarding school fundings and the consequences it has on students and the community, as well the the quality of education in Michigan Public Schools. They want to be a voice for parents and citizens who value public education so that policy changes can be made and heard to better public schools.

Re-Thinking Testing Mid-Hudson Region

Re-Thinking Testing Mid-Hudson Region is a grassroots organization dedicated to educating parents and the community about the ways in which high-stakes testing can be harmful to students and school taxes. They also look at how high-stakes testing takes away resources from other educational and after-school programs that the local community values.



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