
Header Image

Gym, H. (2018, March 15). “Please find the funding. We need BCAs to support our students, teachers, and families.” #PHLed [Tweet]. Retrieved May 14, 2018, from

Background Image

Limongi, D. (2017, March 11). “I don’t want to!” The Hardest Moment When Raising a Bilingual Kid. Retrieved May 14, 2018, from

The Issue

Broderick, M. (April 7, 2016). “One Test Does Not Fit All, Especially for ELL Students.” Accessed May 8, 2018.

Gym, H. (2018, March 15). Joaqui says ELL families need to be a priority for the school district. “We need fully staffed ESOL classes, more BCAs, and multilingual staff.” #PHLed #PHLedRoundtable [Tweet]. Retrieved May 2, 2018, from

Hangley, B. (2013, October 25). Anecdotes and data: Measuring the impact of the “doomsday” budget. The Philadelphia Public School Notebook. Retrieved from

Hochschild, J. L., & Scovronick, N. B. (2003). The American dream and the public schools. New York: Oxford University Press.

Ravitch, D. (2014). Reign of error: the hoax of the privatization movement and the danger to America’s public schools. New York: Vintage Books.

Strauss, V. (2013, June 1). Philadelphia passes ‘doomsday’ school budget. Washington Post. Retrieved from

Windle, G. (2017, October 24). District is adding support staff for English learners. The Philadelphia Public School Notebook. Retrieved from

Grassroots Organizing — Synthesis

Bale, J. (2015). From Rethinking Schools: English-Only to the Core. Rethinking Schools, 30(1). Retrieved from

DACA Recipients Speak Out. “Local Activism Is Our Most Powerful Tool.” (n.d.). Retrieved May 16, 2018, from

de Jong, E. (2011, January 31). Toward a Monolingual USA? The Modern English-Only Movement [Text]. Retrieved May 17, 2018, from

Stories | Asociación Puertorriqueños en Marcha. (n.d.). Retrieved May 16, 2018, from

Windle, G. (2017, October 24). District is adding support staff for English learners. The Philadelphia Public School Notebook. Retrieved from

Research — Peer-Reviewed Articles

Shin, N. (2017). The Effects of the Initial English Language Learner Classification on Students’ Later Academic Outcomes. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, November 3, 2017,

Vansant-Webb, E., & Polychronis, S. (2016). Supporting Teachers of English Language Learners at a Turnaround School. TESOL Journal, 7(4), 968–982.

Research — Practitioner Articles

Mitchell, C. (2016). Home-School Connections Help ELLs and Their Parents. Education Week, 35(30), 12–14.

Russell, F. A., & Von Esch, K. S. (2018). Teacher leadership to support English language learners. Phi Delta Kappan, 99(7), 52–56.


Principles of Organizing and Education

Alinsky, S. (1971). Rules for Radicals. New York, NY: Vintage Books.

Horton, M., Freire, P., Bell, B., Gaventa, J., & Peters, J. (1990). We make the road by walking: conversation on education and social change. Philadephia: Temple University Press.

Mueller, C. (2004). Ella Baker and the Origins of ‘Participatory Democracy.’ In J. Bobo, C. Hudley, and C. Michel (Eds.), The Black Studies Reader, (pp. 71-90). New York, NY: Routledge.