Acknowledgements and Works Cited

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Discovering the Arctic. n.d. “Arctic Governance.” Accessed May 20, 2021.

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Image: Wofratz. 2001. Russian nuclear icebreaker Yamal en route to the North Pole, 2001. In “Icebreaker,” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.

Challenges in the Arctic – Kyle Moeller, Rory Devlin, Ryan Kovarovics

Hough, Peter. 2013. “The International Political Wilderness,” In International Politics of the Arctic: Coming in From the Cold, 1-13, London: Routledge.

Arctic Council. 2021. “About the Arctic Council.” Arctic Council.

RAND Corporation. 2021. “Global Security.” Topics.

Image 1: Kindersley, Doring. n.d. “Digital Illustration Of Map Showing Position Of Arctic Ocean And Surrounding Continents.” Getty Images. Accessed May 22, 2021.

Image 2: Lau, Jeff. 2015. “Getting into the Game: America’s Arctic Diplomacy.” American Foreign Service Association. Accessed May 21, 2021.

China and Militarization in the Arctic – Ryan Kovarovics

Boulègue, Mathieu. 2019. “Military implications for other Arctic states, NATO and its partners.” In Russia’s Military Posture in the Arctic: Managing Hard Power in a “Low Tension” Environment, 31-40. NATO Defense College.

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Brady, Anne-Marie. 2019. “Facing Up to China’s Military Interests in the Arctic.” China Brief 19 (21).

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Dams, Ties, Louise van Schaik, and Adája Stoetman. 2020. “The power of presence: engaging China in the Arctic.” In Presence before power: China’s Arctic strategy in Iceland and Greenland, 38-42. Clingendael Institute.

Danoy, Jim, and Marisol Maddox. 2020. “Set NATO’s Sights on the High North.” NATO 20/2020, October 14, 2020.

de Buitrago, Sybille Reinke. 2019. “Risk Representations and Confrontational Actions in the Arctic.” Journal of Strategic Security 12 (3): 13-36.

Deng, Beixi. 2017. “New Trends of Geopolitical Dynamics in the Arctic and China’s Relations with the Major Arctic Players.” In U.S.-Sino Relations in the Arctic: A Road Map for Future Cooperation, edited by Heather A. Conley, 16-19. Washington: Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Dwyer, William G. 2016. “China’s Strategic Interests in the Arctic.” The Army War College Review 2, no. 2 (May): 1-13.

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Koh, Swee Lean Collin. 2020. “China’s Strategic Interest in the Arctic Goes Beyond Economics.” Defense News, May 12, 2020.

Luhn, Alec. 2020. “Freezing Cold War: Militaries Move in as Arctic Ice Retreats.” The Guardian, October 16, 2020.

Luxner, Larry. 2021. “How Russia, China, and Climate Change are Shaking up the Arctic.” New Atlanticist, March 23, 2021.

Patey, Luke. 2020. Managing US–China Rivalry in the Arctic: Small States Can Be Players in Great Power Competition. Danish Institute for International Studies.

Pelaudeix, Cécile. 2018. Along the Road: China in the Arctic. European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS).

Pincus, Rebecca. 2020. “Three-Way Power Dynamics in the Arctic.” Strategic Studies Quarterly 14 (1): 40-63.

Sørensen, Camilla T. N., and Ekaterina Klimenko. 2017. The evolution of China’s Arctic policy since 2010. Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.

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Wishnick, Elizabeth. 2017. China’s Interests and Goals in the Arctic: Implications for the United States. Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College.


Image 1: Xinhua News Agency. 2018. China’s research icebreaker Xuelong arrives at the roadstead off the Zhongshan station in Antarctica. In “Pentagon warns about China’s increased activity in the Arctic, growing ambition to expand its presence,” ABCNews,

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Image 3: Rosmorport. 2019. “Chinese Oil Drillers are Back in Russian Arctic.” The Moscow Times.

Image 4: arctic_blog. 2019. “Why does NATO strengthen its military presence in the Arctic?” Live Journal.

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Image 6: Gwich’in Council International. n.d. “The Arctic Council.”

Conflict in the Arctic – Cillian McDonagh

Janis Kluge, Michael Paul, “Russia’s Arctic Strategy through 2035,” Stiftung Wissenschaft and Politik, November 2020,

Peter B. Danilov, “Increasing Norwegian military activity and pulling NATO to the region is a direct route to undermining existing peace, stability and spirit of cooperation,” High North News, June 17, 2020,

Gorodentsev, Anya, “The Not-So Frozen Conflict: Russia’s Ambitions in the Arctic and their Implications for NATO in the Far North” (2019). UVM Honors College Senior Theses. 305. 

Pezard, Stephanie, Abbie Tingstad, Kristin Van Abel, and Scott R. Stephenson, Maintaining Arctic Cooperation with Russia: Planning for Regional Change in the Far North. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2017. Also available in print form.

Stephanie Pezard, Abbie Tingstad, Kristin Van Abel, Scott Stephenson, “Maintaining Arctic Cooperation with Russia,”,  2017,

Cathyrine T. R. Deja, “NATO’s future role in the Arctic,” United States Air Force, May 2016,


Image 1: Robbie Gramer, “Here’s What Russia’s Military Build-Up in the Arctic Looks like,” Foreign Policy, January 25, 2017.

Image 2: Michael T. Klare, “A Wold War Could Break Out in the Arctic,” The Nation, February 2, 2020,

Non-indigenous whaling – Rory Devlin

Altherr, Sandra, Kate O’connell, Sue Fisher and Sigrid Lüber. 2016. “Frozen in Time.” Accessed April 25, 2021.

Bailey, Jennifer L. 2008. “Arrested Development: The Fight to End Commercial Whaling as a Case of Failed Norm Change.” European Journal of International Relations 14 (2): 289-318.

Bailey, Jennifer L. 2009. “Norway, the United States, and Commercial Whaling: Political Culture and Social Movement Framing.” The Journal of Environment & Development 18 (1): 79-102.

Halverson, Sonja Marta. 2004. “Small State with a Big Tradition: Norway Continues Whaling at the Expense of Integration and Nordic Cooperation.” Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce 31 (1): 121.

Huang, Biao, Joshua K. Abbott, Eli P. Fenichel, Rachata Muneepeerakul, Charles Perrings, and Leah R. Gerber. 2017. “Testing the Feasibility of a Hypothetical whaling‐conservation Permit Market in Norway.” Conservation Biology 31 (4): 809-817.

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Image 1: France-Presse, Agence. 2018. “Norway boosts whaling quota despite international opposition.” The Guardian, March 7, 2018.

Image 2: NAMMCO. n.d. “Common Minke Whale.” Accessed May 20, 2021.

Image 3: Norwegian Polar Institute. n.d. “Common Minke Whale.” Accessed May 20, 2021.

N. Atlantic mackerel – Kyle Moeller

Henley, Jon. 2019. “Iceland Accused of Putting Mackerel Stocks at Risk by Increasing Its Catch.” The Guardian. November 21, 2019.

Poulsen, Regin Winther. 2021. “An Ever-Moving, Unloved Fish Is Stirring Chaos in the North Atlantic.” The Atlantic, February 13, 2021.

Spijkers, Jessica, and Wiebren J. Boonstra. 2017. “Environmental Change and Social Conflict: The Northeast Atlantic Mackerel Dispute.” Regional Environmental Change 17 (6): 1835–51.

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North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission. 2018. “Catch Statistics by Fisheries Jurisdiction – Mackerel.” 2017.

North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission. 2019. “Catch Statistics by Fisheries Jurisdiction – Mackerel.” 2018.

Kelman, Jonathan H.C. 2020. “Why Climate Change and State Subsidies Will Collide to Create Fishery Conflict.” Journal of Strategic Security 13 (4): 96–108.

Jeffers, Jennifer. 2010. “Climate Change and the Arctic: Adapting to Changes in Fisheries Stocks and Governance Regimes.” Ecology Law Quarterly 37 (3): 917–77.


Image 1: (Henley 2019)

Image 2: (Spijkers, Boonstra 2017)

Image 3: (Blower 2020)

How to get involved – Cillian McDonagh, Ryan Kovarovics, Kyle Moeller, Rory Devlin

Policy Solutions – Cillian McDonagh, Ryan Kovarovics, Kyle Moeller, Rory Devlin

Logos designed by Rory Devlin

Learn more – Cillian McDonagh, Ryan Kovarovics, Kyle Moeller, Rory Devlin