Arctic Issues and Policy Ideas

Below, you will find links to each of the case studies that we conducted on international security and cooperation in the Arctic. Each page includes informative text and a video that present relevant examples of why cooperation is essential in the Arctic. Together, these topics demonstrate the need to engage all relevant Arctic stakeholders in Arctic politics discourse.

China and Militarization in the Arctic

Xinhua News Agency 2018 China: The Next Global Superpower? China's power and influence around the world is rising rapidly. Many in the West, especially the US, see this as a threat to their global hegemony. China's rise is intensifying great power competition around the globe between the US, Russia, and China. This competition is spilling...

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Russia-NATO Conflict in the Arctic

The Arctic is being militarized by Russia and has created tensions in the Arctic. My presentation focuses on “What is the Likelihood of conflict in the Arctic between NATO and Russia?” I focus on 4 main factors that include Russia’s and NATO’s approach to the Arctic, potential for conflict, potential for Cooperation, and Recommendations for...

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Non-indigenous whaling in Norway

(France-Presse 1999) Norway is one of the few countries in the world that continues to whale (IWC 2019). (IWC 2019, self-produced table) The whaling debate in Norway There are varied opinions on Norway’s continued whale practice. The Norwegian state believes that non-indigenous whaling should continue, but international environmental and animal-rights NGOs do not. Pro-whaling: the...

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In Hot Water: the North Atlantic mackerel fishery

(Henley 2019) Do you eat fish at home or in restaurants? Do you ever wonder why some fish are so much more expensive than others? Or do you ever think, "how do fishermen and states track and manage so many fish as fisheries constantly change?" Listen to the presentation below to get answers as you...

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