Author Archives: hlane

Super Tuesday Statistic

Super Tuesday Statistics… The Republican Party in 7 states, making up 11% of the party’s delegates, has canceled primaries. This is because many states put their faith in Trump’s campaign in order to save both time and money.

“The U.S. Presidential Nominating Process.” Counsil on Foreign Relations. Jonathan Masters and Gopal Ratnam. January 13th, 2020 7:00am.

Preamble to the Rules of the Republican Party

The Preamble gives light to what the Republican Party stands for; liberty, equality and opportunity. With that, the party’s main goal is to remain open to all Americans by encouraging participation of voters in all activities.

“Preamble: The Rules of the Republican Party.” As adopted by the 2020 Republican National Convention August 24, 2020. Amended by the Republican National Committee on August 13th, 2021.

Political Cartoon about RNC

This political cartoon shows the conflicting divide between traditional G.O.P. members and Trump Republicans. The party seems to be moving towards a Trump-lead era with more individuals on the backend of the elephant and the Republican party seeing greater support within these last few years.

“Cartoonist’s Take- The Republican Party splits down the center.” By Signe Wilkinson. Published February 4, 2021 at 6:30am. Washington Post.