Category Archives: UFOs

The Government and Aliens

To any mild alien researcher, the US government’s Project Bluebook is no secret.  Most investigations drew the conclusion that sane people mis-saw certain items and only one percent were genuine hoaxes.  701 cases were still undetermined, and several of them genuinely raise eyebrows.  However, the program was closed in the late sixities, and many saw this as confirmation there was nothing to worry about.

Lesser known is that a similar program was sneakily reopened in 2007 in the defense budget.  Democrat Senate Majority Leader Reid advocated for the $22 million budget for the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program.  Officially said to have been de-funded in 2012, the Pentagon admits it is still in operation by the program’s members on top of other assigned work, and much of this work remains heavily classified.

Much of the funding went to Reid’s close friend billionaire Robert Bigelow, who is an open UFO fanatic.  An interesting character, his Bigelow Aerospace company works with NASA to improve designs. He also runs a very successful chain of hotels.  Bigelow bought the infamous Skinwalker Ranch (Sherman Ranch) in Utah, which is a hotspot of UFO and paranormal activity which was researched by his National Institute for Discovery Science.  He claims federal officials came to join his research team there wand took special interest in certain areas of the property.

Working for the government, Bigelow used his Las Vegas facilities to store unidentified metals and objects and served as a mediator for some servicemen who felt uncomfortable using the chain of command to reveal UFO cases.  Video, testimonials, and hard evidence lead to a 2009 Pentagon briefing summary saying “what was considered science fiction is now science fact,” and that the US is completely unprepared to defend against the found technologies.  A New York Times article fills in more of the details

A large number Robert Bigelow’s ex-employees of some of his scrapped projects (lack of hard evidence) and various ex-Pentagon members have joined the To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science, which focuses on reverse engineering alien/foreign technology.  Bigelow continues to be an active part in the hunt for the extraterrestrial.  His time on Skinwalker Ranch was full of crazy sightings, but the phenomina always seemed to evade hard capture, whether it be UFOs, wolves three times their usual size, lights, portals, cows with their gentials cleanly shaven off, human-like beasts, etc.

However, disappointing for UFO enthusiasts is that NSA whistle blower Edward Snowden denies the existence of US knowledge of E.T. life or intelligence. Currently living in exile for his actions, he says he looked extremely hard for proof, but could find none.  This proves nothing to those that believe in the US involvement, simply that it is either hidden extremely well (maybe through alien technology) or that Snowden himself is still working for the government to debunk these ideas or was too afraid to post what he found.

Regardless, researching specific cases can be extremely fun and interesting, but I desired to only post this general outline because I was unaware of the 2007 refunding of UFO research the the connection to Robert Bigelow.

UFO Sightings

The United States in general has a unique interest in UFOs and alien encounters.  Multiple explanations are given by conspiracy theorists (who have drunk the kool-aid) to why the USA is the UFO hotspot it is, my favorite being that we have had the most nuclear developments.  This would also make sense with Russia having a large number of sightings as well.  The History Channel website has tons of great reading on the various sightings:

Personally, I went through a big X-files phase, and I ate up the main alien storyline.  Abductions and alien supernatural stories are abundant in our culture, both in media and in “campfire” type settings.  Everyone has their own supernatural story to share, and I think that is indicative of how much we have yet to learn about science and life on Earth.

This Youtuber makes great video documentaries on a vast number of topics and below are two videos.  The first covers a lot of material similar to the Fermi Paradox, and the second covers the more plausible Alien Encounters.  He spends a lot of time on his videos and is considered legitimate within the community and overall has done his research (in contrast to the toxic click-baiters of YouTube).