UFO Sightings

The United States in general has a unique interest in UFOs and alien encounters.  Multiple explanations are given by conspiracy theorists (who have drunk the kool-aid) to why the USA is the UFO hotspot it is, my favorite being that we have had the most nuclear developments.  This would also make sense with Russia having a large number of sightings as well.  The History Channel website has tons of great reading on the various sightings:


Personally, I went through a big X-files phase, and I ate up the main alien storyline.  Abductions and alien supernatural stories are abundant in our culture, both in media and in “campfire” type settings.  Everyone has their own supernatural story to share, and I think that is indicative of how much we have yet to learn about science and life on Earth.

This Youtuber makes great video documentaries on a vast number of topics and below are two videos.  The first covers a lot of material similar to the Fermi Paradox, and the second covers the more plausible Alien Encounters.  He spends a lot of time on his videos and is considered legitimate within the community and overall has done his research (in contrast to the toxic click-baiters of YouTube).


One thought on “UFO Week.

  1. Professor Arielle Saiber

    It is interesting to think about this trend of sightings. They might be compared to Mary and Jesus sighting, or other spiritual beings (angels, gods, demons, etc.) of other places and times. We seem to want to give shape/name to things that our senses perceive and don’t understand. But who knows?


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