To Be Taught If Fortunate

Hello world!

I’m going to make my first few posts about Science Fiction books by women that I’ve read lately and think are incredible! The genre can seem dominated by men at times, so hopefully I can recommend some exciting books!

First up: To be Taught if Fortunate by Becky Chambers

Ten reasons why you should drop everything you’re doing and read this book right now

  1. It’s only 188 pages so it’s not that much of a commitment. You can literally do it right now. I read it one day (instead of writing an essay during finals but shhh that’s not important)
  2. It has a beautiful cast of characters who all have depth and dimension despite the book being (did I mention?) only 188 pages! Also they’re all queer we love to see it.
  3. The world building is incredible! The astronauts explore four wildly different worlds that are all so unique and beautiful and the way Chambers describes them is so vivid I can’t even begin to do it justice. Just yeah. She’s so good at world building!!
  4. The science is so smart. Instead of trying to terraform the worlds they visit, they alter their bodies to fit the environments. Like they can basically photosynthesize space radiation into energy and all kinds of cool stuff.
  5. Has excellent messages about ethical ways to do space travel! (I was learning about indigenous science fiction with Professor Lempert while I was reading this so I was very impressed.)
  6. It is one of maybe three books ever that have made me cry. Not really because its sad its just so beautiful and it made me want to go to space so freaking bad!!
  7. I read the afterward and she said she gets a lot of her science help from her mom who is an astrobiology teacher and like what a powerful family oh my god. (can they adopt me? please?)
  8. I love Becky Chambers so so much she is an absolute genius and like probably one of my favorite authors ever of all time. She’s also written a beautiful series of sci fi beginning with The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet which you should also read!! (and maybe I will review at some point.
  9. The ending is beautiful and makes you think. No spoilers, so enough said.
  10. Basically, it’s just an all around beautiful, thought provoking, and unique book that’s a completely different take on sci fi than I’d ever read before. 12/10 would recommend!!

here’s a link to amazon so you can buy it now

🙂 xoxo have funnn



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