The Weight of the Stars

A quick, cozy read for a quarantine day. This is soft sci fi in every sense of the word. I read this entire book in one sitting in a car ride through the Nevada desert during spring break last year, so I thought it was a good one to post about for the current spring break (such as it is). So, without further ado:

This story follows the classic science fiction trope of a generation ship, but instead of focusing on those journeying across the cosmos, our characters are those left behind. It is a beautiful story of loss and hardship that shows a widely diverse crew of teens in tough situations coming out on top. It is centered around a relationship between two young women who both dream of space travel and is just the kind of hopeful and heartwarming story we need in this day and age. One of those books that has such lovely characters that you can read it for hours and not even notice that not a whole lot has happened. Hope it can bring you some happiness in these tough times!!

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