Apocalyptic Movie

Recently, it has been mentioned that the current progression of the COVID-19 pandemic reminds people of the movie Contagion (2011). This is due in part to the world-dominating effect that the virus in the movie has. Another film, World War Z (2013), similarly focuses on a plague and methods of protecting oneself from infection. A twist is that this movie uses zombies as catalysts. The zombies in this movie, when inactive, are quite slow-moving beings until they come across a potential host. They then become incredibly fast and robust. It takes 12 seconds after contact to become infected. The zombies, for the most part, are unstoppable unless their brains are destroyed, and are also unusually attracted to sound. There is another major twist to the way these zombies operate, but that would give away a significant plot twist in the movie, so I encourage you to see it on your own.

In the book (World War Z by Max Brooks, 2006), the virus starts in Chongqing, China; however, in the film, the origin point is in South Korea. Also seen in the movie, one country builds a wall around itself to quarantine its people after hearing that many places around the world were fighting zombies. The main character battles with where to take his family to keep them safe, lack of resources, and finding a cure when the research center at the WHO is overrun with zombies. Many of the troubles that the protagonist (Gerry) faced speak to very similar issues people are facing now, especially the ones highlighted above (shortage of resources, quarantine, and the struggles to find an effective cure). Many people in this COVID-19 era, unfortunately, have been looking towards media rather than scientists and doctors. That is why recently many actors and actresses have been trying to do their part by delivering messages from medical professionals. Below is a link to a video where the cast of Contagion issue a very important PSA on the COVID-19 virus.

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