Pandemic 2

Pandemic 2 is a strategy computer game created by Dark Realm Studios that many of us grew up with. It is actually a quite morbid game in theory, but in a way, educates children on the methods in which disease is spread. You begin the game by selecting to be either a virus, bacteria, or parasite and whether you would prefer “relaxed” or “realistic” gameplay. You get to name yourself and are given a country of origin. The goal of the game to infect/kill off the entire world. You are given access to global news blasts, ship and plane routes, as well as a window to see the evolution of your “creation”. The player must select the right combination of symptoms, resistances, and transmission methods to achieve the goal, and must do so before countries begin to quarantine and vaccinations are produced. There are a lot of cheats and methods that people say guarantee a win, but it is mainly just luck and strategy. As mentioned before it is a quite morbid game, but it has popped up quite a bit in the media and I wanted to share a quick overview of it. It is rumored that a new version of the game will allow you to combat disease in order to save the world which is a much happier form of gameplay.

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