Throughout the year, I found inspiration in many film photographers, especially photographs of street scenes and abstract objects. I enjoy film photography as it gives the photographer a wide range of artistic expression when taking the picture and manipulating it in the dark room. Many film photographs are ambiguous and hold hidden meaning which I think are qualities a great photograph typically possesses.
Fan Ho
Deborah Turbeville
“To say that your mind and your eye rests looking at Tubeville’s photography is not to mean that it goes blank, but that it simply goes into that contemplative mood. Your senses slow down but you need them as sharp as ever to get the nuances of Turbeville’s ethereal images.
Walker Evans
Although many of Evans’ photographs are quite simple, dark, and somewhat plain, they show snapshots of real life. He does not manipulate his photos to please the audience and instead captures how he sees the world, often in abstract and dark forms. His photographs are raw and inspiring.