Leslie Hewitt, Riffs on Real Time (3/10), 2006-09, Chromogenic Print, 30 x 24 in
This image incorporates the collage technique and utilizes text in a way that makes the photo look like a story. I also really like it POV is as if the viewer is looking down at the image. This is a technique I was thinking or incorporating in my own project.
Latoya Ruby Frazier, The Notion of Family https://aperture.org/shop/frazier-notion-of-family-pb
Latoya Ruby Frazier says in a video describing this photo book that it is, “More than an art book. It’s more than a photography book. it is a history book.” With my project, I hope to go through the history of many of my family members through images, giving the viewer the opportunity to see how people have not just aged but taken on new identities through time.
Carrie Mae Weems, The Kitchen Table Series, 1990
I am assuming that the relationship between both of the subject is that of mother and daughter. It looks that the mother maybe scolding her daughter, which is one aspect that encompasses the relationship between a parent and child. This relationship is something I would want to incorporate in my work as well.
Lorna Simpson, Easy Way to Remember, 2001, Film, 16 mm film transferred to DVD, 2.35 min looped https://denverartmuseum.org/exhibitions/lorna-simpson
I’m a little obssess with the ways a person can be remebered even as they wither through time. Photographs are a tool that help us remeber aspects of an individual.
The first five minutes of this video was moving, and exactly what I would want to achieve with this project and future work.
“Questioning what has been left in and what has been left out. And what is my relationship to what has been made historically and what has been left out. So then, how to reframe, hot to reposition, and how to insert for the first time, a body that has not often been there. Or to pull forward a body that rests in the background. It’s very difficult because at a certain point you realize that ‘I’m not his subject.’ This historical body has not been for the most part, the subject of these great painters. From the 19th century or the 20th century or as we move into the 21st, it is not apart of their imagination. It is not apart of their fantasy. But of course, art has a great to do with imagining the unimageable.”
Article from CNN https://www.cnn.com/style/article/photography-nigerian-brides/index.html
My Nigerian Ethnicity is an important part of my identity and I want to incorporate it in my project by showcasing Nigerian textiles as the background.
Article from Fast Company https://www.fastcompany.com/3017076/what-old-family-photo-albums-teach-us-about-creativity
My final project is based on going through my families old photo albums. Erik Kessels’ exhibit is essentially an enlarged photo album which would be an interesting concept to potentially explore.
Amanda Greene, Rejoice https://www.aint-bad.com/product/books/amanda-greene-rejoice/
This photo book looks vibraint and coloful. Initially, I decided that the photos I would produce would be in color, so this is some indpiration. I really like in this photo book, Greene “explores ideas of time and history,” and how people and places change overtime.
Trent Went, https://trevorwentt.pixieset.com/printshop/
These 2 photographs are by the same photographer that I cam across on youtube and fell in love with his work. I really like the idea of incorporating words with an image and sending out an explicit message written on the photo.