
Synthesis of Scholarly Articles

Banerjee, R., Ritu, V. C., Geraldine D. (2017). Early intervention paraprofessional standards: development and field validation. Journal of Early Intervention, 39(4), 359-370. 

Burke, M. M., Goldman, E. S. (2017). Documenting the experiences of special education advocates. The Journal of Special Education, 51(1), 3-13. 

Synthesis of Professional Articles

Samuels, A. C. (2020, February). Nellie Aspel: Shining the light on inclusion. Education Week, 39(22). Retrieved from

Urtubey, L. J. (2020, January). Supporting Latinx families in special education decisions. Educational Leadership, 77(4). Retrieved from

Organizing and Education

Alinsky, S. (1972). Rules for radicals. In S. D. Alinsky (Eds.), Rules for radicals (pp. 3-23, 63-80, 113-125). New York: Random House. 

Horton, M., & Freire, P. (1990). We make the road by walking. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

Mueller, C. (2004). Ella Baker and the origins of “participatory democracy.” In Bobo, J., Hudley, C., & Michel, C. (Eds.). (2004). The black studies reader (pp. 79-89). Routledge. Retrieved from

Payne, C. (1989). Ella Baker and Models of Social Change. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 14(4), 885-899. Doi: 10.1086/494549

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