1st Blog Post on “Religion: From Official Atheism to Freedom of Choice” (late)

From what I have been able to gather about Russia based on the readings of this course as well as my general understanding of the country, Russians seem to put enormous pride on their ability to overcome adversity. While completing our most recent reading, I noticed instances in which stories of Russia’s creation paralleled biblical stories in which heroes overcome obstacles in fantastic, divine ways. This was most notably present in the section in which Vladimir was blinded and later healed, in a way reminiscent to the trials of Saul (later Paul).

The video we were assigned on Atheism and religion in Russia had a similar way of narrating Russian history with a focus on overcoming obstacles in the context of Religion. It interested me that the video highlights the struggle of spirituality in Russia under soviet rule whilst painting it as a essential component to the Russian identity. The way Religion in Russia waxed and waned and ultimately endured seems to be a subject of pride.

One thought on “1st Blog Post on “Religion: From Official Atheism to Freedom of Choice” (late)

  1. Professor Alyssa Gillespie

    You aren’t late, Ethan! There was no blog post due last week! 🙂 Be sure to post one day this week, though–on at least one of the core assignments.

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