Russian Fairytales

The way the three fairytales, The Frog Tsarevna, Tsarevich Ivan and Grey Wolf and Vasilisa the Beautiful, are told emphasizes the legend and mythical themes. The repeated saying of “whether a long time passed or a little no one knows” was consistent in the three fairytalesThis saying did not add to the plot of the stories or add to the character development. It made the stories feel like myths and legends. Emphasizing that nobody really knows if this happened or not. Giving the reader an emphasis on the theme of the story through the narrative structure. Also the narrative structure hinting at the type of story being told.

The important role of the Grey Wolf in the fairytale, Tsarevich Ivan and Grey Wolf, was unexpected and eluded to the importance of trust in a relationship. A Grey Wolf is not usually portrayed as a good character in most fairytales such as The Three Little Pigs. So, I was not expecting the relationship between Tsarevich Ivan and Grey Wolf to be trust worthy. Tsarevich Ivan trusted the Grey Wolf many times to carry out tremendous deeds. This is all after the Grey Wolf ate Ivan’s horse. The role of the Grey Wolf was important to help Ivan through many challenges and wrongdoings. The relationship between the Grey wolf and Ivan was displaying the importance of trust.

One thought on “Russian Fairytales

  1. Professor Alyssa Gillespie

    Good observations about the repeated sayings and refrains, and the different role that the wolf plays in Russian fairytales versus western European ones!

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