Project Summary

How does the digitalization of media address the sociological insights made by people who aren’t sociology scholars? In what ways does the production and consumption of digital media make critiques of society more digestible? I’ll be focusing on the accessibility of sociological insights within digital media through the lyrical and visual aesthetics of rap and hip hop. This project expands on the idea that the sociological imagination belongs to everyone. Music is an underrated form of medium where people are using their sociological imagination, whether they realize it or not. Throughout my research, I hope to answer the following questions: How does the negative stigma towards rap and hip hop discredit them as credible perspectives/critques? Does consuming this media make individuals more informed on social issues? How much does social media take part in the distribution, exposure, and analysis of sociological insights in rap? I will be doing qualitative analysis on the evolution of hip-hop, observe lyrics and visual aesthetics of famous rap and hip hop songs, and mediums that critique these messages. For an end-product, I will make an e-zine that analyzes the mediums that rap and hip hop use,and a playlist of songs that support my research.