- Between weeks 8 and 14, each student should provide a weekly reflection (500 words) on the data you have collected to date.
- What data did you collect?
- What is your initial impression of the data?
- How have the data you have collected this week changed/progressed your thinking about your research project?
- What challenges did you encounter while collecting the data?
- What are your next steps?
You have a great topic here with some great social texts that help understand Black Comedy as a site of satire and social critique. Either of the two would work well to analyze elements of Blackness in an assets framing. I think “Chocolate Cities” will be rather useful for you here. I also wonder whether you might find other readings about Black representations in film, such as Raquel Gates’ “Double Exposure” also useful in your discussion.
Please make sure you stay on top of the progress notes. This provides me an opportunity to engage your work and gauge your progress. This project is certainly not one to leave to the last minute!
I look forward to reading more about this exciting project.