- Description of Methods
- Description of Data
- Plan of collecting data.
- Date, Changes, Reasons
I plan to start my research by doing a literature review of scientific articles, sociological studies, and news articles to analyze women’s space in the fitness industry. For weeks 1 and 2 of my research, I will complete this literature review, pulling from many different sources to get an overview of the evolution of women in the fitness industry, what motivations have sparked an increase in participation in fitness, and what limitations women are still facing as they expand their foothold in fitness. I will look at articles that analyze what fitness and wellness mean for women, how they are introduced to them, and the impacts that it has on self-image, social relationships, and physical health. This will encompass understandings of masculinity and strength versus femininity and historical pressures for women to refrain from exercise, influences of the male gaze on why women participate in exercise, different definitions of wellness and its practices, and who has access to the types of resources necessary to become “fit.” Further, I plan to assess which social theories and readings from my time at Bowdoin draw parallels to my research in order to connect this subject matter to the sociological imagination and how ideas of femininity and gender normatively are challenged by women breaking into the industry.
In weeks 3 and 4, I will analyze the influence of class and race on who is represented in the fitness industry, who has access to resources that promote health and wellness, and the impacts of white, wealthy, skinny privilege. This will work in conjunction with the literature review to understand the socially constructed roadblocks to inclusivity within fitness and how the male gaze and different conceptions of beauty standards impact the demographics of fitness. I will be conducting a survey that will ask female members of Bowdoin’s population about their experiences with fitness at Bowdoin (whether they go to the gym, whether they follow fitness influencers on social media, how that impacts them, how they view their experiences and space in the gym, etc.). This will lead in to my work on social media platforms and their influence on the fitness information that women receive that the perceptions of who is in fitness and to who that space belongs.
In weeks 5 and 6, I plan to do a content analysis of various Instagram and TikTok accounts to see what type of female fitness professionals and influencers are popular, the type of information that they are sharing with the public, and their qualifications. This part of my research will bridge the gap between theory and tangible representations of women in fitness and the different factors that are both driving and limiting their scope and reach. I hope to engage with the timeline of women in fitness and the misconceptions of what a woman’s place is in the fitness industry and how this impacts women’s relationships with body image, personal expectations, and societal pressures. A major aspect of this content analysis will relate to representation within the industry and the racial and socioeconomic makeup of the women receiving the largest following on TikTok and Instagram in order to assess the ways that race, gender, and class intersect and perpetuate Eurocentric, middle-class beauty standards.
Weeks 7 and 8 will be my opportunity to culminate my research into a product that showcases how the transformation of fitness for women has impacted inclusivity and perpetuated social structures of beauty that serve the male gaze and emphasize middle-class, white standards of health and fitness. My aim is to compile my literature review, content analysis, and survey data into a podcast that covers this information in an accessible format, similar to podcasts on fitness and the health industry.
I am editing weeks 3 and 4. I will no longer be doing a survey but instead, I plan to interview around 5 females on Bowdoin’s campus to ask them about their experiences with fitness and the Bowdoin gym scene. I plan to pose these questions in a casual, conversational way as opposed to a formal interview in order to get raw and uncut responses without feeling the pressures of overthinking or replying in a certain manner if it were done in a formal way. I have also switched the order of my content analysis and my literature review. I will be continuing to conduct my content analysis and research before diving into a literature review in order to get a more broad understanding of the content out there and allow myself the opportunity to parse through data and identify a niche that I want to dive deeper into in my literature review.