Final Project- In Progress

I have always enjoyed combining and arranging photos and for my final project I want to combine my enthusiasm with collages and mixed media with my personal photography. I plan to create a magazine type of book with collages of different stages, aspects, objects, people, and ideas that have stemmed from my life during this time. I plan on incorporating screenshots of news headlines, views from my bedroom, spring in Omaha, photos of friends, newspaper articles, and more in pieces that express the divide between chaos and calmness in this time of uncertainty. I think it would be interesting to separate my collages of photographs into “moods” to represent the rapid shifting of moods that this period of isolation has created for me, my family, and the rest of the world and use paint to help me express these ideas as well. Below are just a few pieces of inspiration and digital beginnings of my process.

Processed with VSCO with c1 preset

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