Through this assignment I chose to make time real. I have spent the last few days looking at and organizing old photos with my mom. In these photos, we came across countless items/objects that we still have in our house today. I thought it would be funny to remake these old photos in the same location or with the same object as in the photo taken ~20 years ago. A few items to note are: our green leather couch and salmon pillow, the deer statue I used to care for at my grandmothers house, my grandma’s Viking sewing machine that my mom still uses, and the view from my backyard that is strikingly similar to how it has looked my entire life.
One thing is for certain we are NOT as cute as we used to be!
I love these photos. Last night I was looking at family photos with my mom and thought also for this project about re-creating family photos. I love that someone did do this. What I think this series really captures is how our familial bonds and relationships transcend time, and that while the exact place and moment will pass, the joy and connection created does not. Something that is certainly important to remember during this time 🙂