Excerpt: Lent by Jo Walton Young Girolamo’s life is a series of miracles. It’s a miracle that he can see demons, plain as day, and that he can cast them out with the force of his will. It’s a miracle that he’s friends with Pico della Mirandola, the Count of Concordia. It’s a miracle that when Girolamo visits the deathbed of L… Something for fans of both sf AND the Italian Renaissance. Imagine that! Can’t wait to read this. https://www.torforgeblog.com/2019/03/18/excerpt-lent-by-jo-walton/?utm_source=%5B%27exacttarget%27%5D&utm_medium=%5B%27newsletter%27%5D&utm_term=%5B%27na-torbooksnewsletter%27%5D&utm_content=%5B%27na-readblog-nl%27%5D&utm_campaign=%5B%27torbooksnewsletter%27%5D&e=%5B%27602b723b262983cd7090ed2b1df149a19067cff6d655f91b42ea0cb0272882fa%27%5D