Want to know what China’s thinking? Look to its science fiction Aliens, robo-nannies and folding cities: A new wave of Chinese science fiction authors offer insights. https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2019-02-16/chinese-science-fiction-vision-future-of-science-and-technology/10795074
Category Archives: A.I.
Infoporn: 100 Years of Sci-Fi, Explored
Infoporn: 100 Years of Sci-Fi, Explored Using data scraping, network analysis, and machine learning, the Science Fiction Concept Corpus includes more than 2,600 books written since 1900. Here’s what we found. https://www.wired.com/story/infoporn-100-years-of-sci-fi-explored/
8 Sci-Fi Writers Imagine the Bold and New Future of Work
8 Sci-Fi Writers Imagine the Bold and New Future of Work The headlines might blare “robots are coming for our jobs!” but what if the outlook for tomorrow is much more nuanced—much more human? https://www.wired.com/story/future-of-work-sci-fi-issue/